People management

Maintain employee data using Paychex as a source of record

Utilize Paychex APIs to get access to employee information faster. You can pull your workforce utilizing the Company Workers end point that supports paging for larger companies with over 100 workers. Either return just the worker demographics or leverage the vendor media to include the communications as well. You can narrow down the result set by using specific search criteria. Leverage other API resource to find more details on the worker or associated company setup.


  • Create an employee directory in your application of choice
  • Feed new hires to your application of choice
  • Update your records when employees or demographic, communication, employment changes
  • Create an employee directory with quick access to worker ID, title, communication items and more
  • Optimize organizational structure and handle teams efficiently
  • Avoid disruption in communication due to outdated employee information
  • Access real time data in a single location


Step 1

Employee information is updated

and maintained in the Paychex System.

Step 2

External systems poll Paychex to

continuously look for updates made

to employee information.

Step 3

If update is detected, information is

pushed to your system of choice.


Relevant APIs used: